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Author: Maria Alambritis (ed.) (Birkbeck and National Gallery)

  • Bibliography





This bibliography aims to provide an up-to-date resource of both primary and secondary literature in the field of nineteenth-century British women art writers. The first section, ‘Selected publications’, presents a general overview of scholarship in the field, including examples of foreign-language work on women art writers. This is followed by individual bibliographies for each of the key writers featured in the articles of this issue. Each individual bibliography includes ‘Archives’, indicating where a writer’s principal archival material can be found; ‘Primary sources’ presents a chronological list of the writer’s art/old master-focused publications; finally, an overview of the scholarship on that writer to date can be found in ‘Secondary literature’.

How to Cite:

Alambritis (ed.), M., (2019) “Bibliography”, 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century 2019(28). doi:



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  1. Selected publications

  2. Individual writer bibliographies (Archives, Primary sources, Secondary literature)

    • Berenson, Mary (1864–1945)

    • Callcott, Maria (1785–1842)

    • Cartwright, Julia (1851–1924)

    • Cruttwell, Maud (1860–1939)

    • Dilke, Emilia (1840–1904)

    • Eastlake, Elizabeth (1809–1893)

    • Foster, Eliza (dates unknown)

    • Herringham, Christiana (1852–1929)

    • Jameson, Anna (1794–1860)

    • Lee, Vernon (1856–1935)

    • Merrifield, Mary (1804–1889)

    • Miller, Anna (1741–1781)

    • Perkins, Lucy May (1877–1922)

Selected publications

Casafranca, África Cabanillas, ‘Las mujeres y la crítica de arte en España (1875–1936) / Women and Art Criticism in Spain (1875–1936)’, Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII, 20–21 (2007–08), 363–89

Clarke, Meaghan, Critical Voices: Women and Art Criticism in Britain 1880–1905 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005)

Clarke, Meaghan, ‘Critical Mediators: Locating the Art Press’, Visual Resources, 26 (2010), 226–41

Clarke, Meaghan, ‘1894: The Year of the New Woman Art Critic’, BRANCH: Britain, Representation and Nineteenth–Century History, ed. by Dino Franco Felluga, Extension of Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net (2015) <> [accessed 30 April 2019]

Clarke, Meaghan, ‘The Art Press at the Fin De Siècle: Women, Collecting, and Connoisseurship’, Visual Resources, 31 (2015), 15–30

Clarke, Meaghan, ‘Turn-of-the-Century Women Writing about Art, 1880–1920’, in The History of British Women’s Writing, 1880–1920, ed. by Holly Laird, vol. 7 (London: Macmillan, 2016), pp. 258–72

Clarke, Meaghan, ‘Women in the Galleries: New Angles on Old Masters in the Late Nineteenth Century’, 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, 28 (2019) <>

Clarke, Meaghan, and Francesco Ventrella, eds, ‘Women’s Expertise and the Culture of Connoisseurship’, special issue of Visual Resources, 33. 1–2 (2017)

Fend, Mechthild, Melissa Hyde, and Anne Lafont, eds, Plumes et Pinceaux: Discours de femmes sur l’art en Europe (1750–1850) (Paris: Les presses du reél, 2012)

Fraser, Hilary, The Victorians and Renaissance Italy (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992)

Fraser, Hilary, ‘Women and the Ends of Art History: Vision and Corporeality in the Nineteenth Century’, Victorian Studies, 42 (1998–99), 77–100

Fraser, Hilary, Women Writing Art History in the Nineteenth Century: Looking Like a Woman, Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, 95 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014)

Frawley, Maria H., ‘The Professionalization of Taste: Art Historians Abroad’, in A Wider Range: Travel Writing by Women in Victorian England (London: Associated University Presses, 1994), pp. 71–102

Guentner, Wendelin, ed., Women Art Critics in Nineteenth–Century France: Vanishing Acts (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2013)

Jensen, Heather Belnap, ‘Portraitistes à la Plume: Women Art Critics in Revolutionary and Napoleonic France’ (unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas, 2007)

Kanwit, John Paul M., Victorian Art Criticism and the Woman Writer (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2013)

Lahidalga, Rosa Martínez de, ‘La mujer, crítico de arte’, Arbor, 168 (2001), 309–19

Lintel, Amy M. Von, ‘Surveying the Field: The Popular Origins of Art History in Nineteenth–Century Britain and France’ (unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California, 2010), esp. ‘The Mothers of Art History? Women and the Production of Popular Art History’, pp. 317–75

Marcus-de Groot, Yvette, Kunsthistorische vrouwen van weleer: de eerste generatie in nederland vóór 1921 (Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 2003)

Marin, Chiara, L’arte delle donne: Per una ‘Kunstliteratur’ al femminile nell’italia dell’Ottocento (Padua: Libreria Universitaria Edizione, 2013)

Nunn, Pamela Gerrish, ‘Critically Speaking’, in Women in the Victorian Art World, ed. by Clarissa Campbell Orr (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995), pp. 107–24

Palmer, Caroline, ‘Women Writers on Art and Perceptions of the Female Connoisseur, 1780–1860’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, Oxford Brookes University, 2009)

Palmer, Caroline, ‘“I will tell nothing that I did not see”: British Women’s Travel Writing, Art and the Science of Connoisseurship, 1776–1860’, Forum for Modern Language Studies, 51 (2015), 248–68

Prettejohn, Elizabeth, ‘Aesthetic Value and the Professionalization of Victorian Art Criticism, 1837–78’, Journal of Victorian Culture, 2 (1997), 71–94

Sherman, Claire Richter, and Adele M. Holcomb, eds, Women as Interpreters of the Visual Arts, 1820–1979 (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1981)

Ventrella, Francesco, ‘Constance Jocelyn Ffoulkes and the Modernization of Scientific Connoisseurship’, Visual Resources, 33 (2017), 117–39

Ventrella, Francesco, ‘Gender, The of the Writing, Art Genre’, review of Wendelin Guentner (ed.), Women Art Critics in Nineteenth-Century France (2015); and Hilary Fraser, Women Writing Art History in the Nineteenth Century (2016), Oxford Art Journal, 40 (2017), 203–09

Ventrella, Francesco, ‘Feminine Inscriptions in the Morellian Method: Constance Jocelyn Ffoulkes and the Translation of Connoisseurship’, in Migrating Histories of Art: Self-Translations of a Discipline, ed. by Maria Teresa Costa and Hans Christian Hönes (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018), pp. 37–58

Ventrella, Francesco, Connoisseurial Intimacies: Art Writing, Psychological Aesthetics and the Modernity of the Old Masters (forthcoming)

Berenson, Mary (1864–1945)


Aix-en-Provence, Bibliothèque Méjanes, Salomon Reinach Papers

Florence, Villa I Tatti, Biblioteca Berenson Special Collections, Bernard and Mary Berenson Papers

Bloomington, Indiana, Indiana University, Lilly Library, Hannah Whitall Smith Papers

Primary sources

‘Paris Exposition des Arts de la Femme’, Woman’s Herald, 24 September 1892, p. 11

‘Pictures in Venice as Documents about Venetian Women’, Woman’s Herald, 29 October 1892, pp. 6–7

‘The March of Ancona’, Woman’s Herald, 26 November 1892, pp. 7–8

‘Giorgione (letter to Editor)’, Pall Mall Gazette, 18 January 1893, p. 3

‘A Method of Art Study’, Daily Chronicle, 21 December 1893

‘In Old Florence’, Daily Chronicle, 16 August 1894

Review of Hermann Ulmann, Sandro Botticelli, in ‘The Editor’s Room’, Studio, 3 (1894), pp. xxxi–xxxiii

The Guide to the Italian Pictures at Hampton Court, with Short Studies of the Artists, Kyrle Pamphlets, 2 (London: Innes, 1894)

‘The New and the Old Art Criticism’, Nineteenth Century, May 1894, pp. 828–37

‘On a Recent Criticism of the Works of Lorenzo Lotto’, Studio, 5 (1895), 63–67

‘Lorenzo Lotto’, Gazette des beaux-arts, 13 (1895), 361–78

‘The New Art Criticism’, Atlantic Monthly, August 1895, pp. 263–70

‘Philosophy of Enjoyment of Art’, Atlantic Monthly, June 1896, pp. 844–48

‘Découverte d’une fresque de Pollaiuolo’, La Chronique des arts, 20 November 1897, pp. 345–44

‘Hermann Obrist’s Embroidered Decorations’, Decorator and Furnisher, 29 (1897), 116–17

Review of Hans Macowsky, Jacopo del Sellaio, dans le Jahrbuch der kœniglichen preussischen Kunstsammlungen, t. XX, fasc 3 et 4, Revue archéologique, 3rd ser., 35 (1899), 478–81

Review of Maud Cruttwell, Luca Signorelli (1900), La Chronique des arts, 17 March 1900, pp. 99–100

‘Le “Sposalizio” du Musée de Caen’, Revue archéologique, 3rd ser., 36 (1900), 115–25

‘Deux tableaux de Jacopo del Sellaio au Musée du Louvre’, Revue archéologique, 3rd ser., 37 (1900), 300–03

‘Compagno di Pesellino et quelques peintures de l’école’, Gazette des beaux-arts, 26 (1901), 18–34; 333–43

Review of Maud Cruttwell, Andrea Mantegna (1901); Charles Yriarte, Mantegna: sa vie, sa maison, son tombeau, son oeuvre dans les musées et les collections (1901); and Paul Kristeller, Andrea Mantegna (1901), Gazette des beaux-arts, 28 (1902), 255–61

Review of Julia Cartwright, Isabella D’Este, Marchioness of Mantua, 1474–1539: A Study of the Renaissance, Burlington Magazine, 2 (1903), 106–07

Review of Corrado Ricci, Pintoricchio: His Life, Work, and Time (1902), Burlington Magazine, 2 (1903), 256–57

Review of Pompeo Molmenti and Gustave Ludwig, Vittore Carpaccio et la confrérie de Sainte Ursule à Venise (1903), Burlington Magazine, 3 (1903), 317–21

‘A Holy Family by Granacci in Dublin’, Révue archéologique, 4th ser., 2 (1903), 21–24

‘Lorenzo Lotto’, in Bryan’s Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 4th edn, rev. by George C. Williamson, 5 vols (London: Bell, 1903–05), III (1904), 251–52

‘L’exposition de l’ancien art siennois’, Gazette des beaux-arts, 32 (1904), 200–14

S.R. [Salomon Reinach?] and Mary Logan, ‘Tableaux oubliés de collections françaises’, Révue archéologique, 4th ser., 3 (1904), 317–21

‘Due dipinti inediti di Matteo da Siena’, Rassegna d’arte, 5 (1905), 314–26

‘Italian Art and Milanese Collections’, Révue archéologique, 4th ser., 2 (1905), 314–26

‘A Picture by Butinone in the Louvre’, Revue archéologique, 4th ser., 5 (1905), 329–34

‘A Picture by Taddeo di Bartolo in the Musée Crozatier at Le Puy’, Revue archéologique, 4th ser., 7 (1906), 236–38

‘Il Sassetta e la leggenda di S. Antonio Abate’, Rassegna d’arte, 11 (1911), 202–03

‘Madonne di Neroccio dei Landi’, Rassegna d’arte, 13 (1913), 73–74

‘Dipinti italiani a Cracovia’, Rassegna d’arte, 15 (1915), 1–4; 25–29

‘A Reconstructor of Old Masterpieces’, American Magazine of Art, 21 (1930), 628–38

The following have been identified by Tiffany Johnston as collaborations between Mary and Bernard Berenson:

‘Some Comments on Correggio in Connection with his Pictures in Dresden’, Knight Errant, October 1892, pp. 73–85

‘A Word for Renaissance Churches’, Free Review, November 1892, pp. 178–89

‘Vasari in Light of Recent Publications’, Nation, 13 April 1893, pp. 271–73

Venetian Painters of the Renaissance (New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1894)

Lorenzo Lotto: An Essay in Constructive Art Criticism (New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1895)

‘Rudiments of Connoisseurship’ later published in The Study and Criticism of Italian Art, 2nd ser. (London: Bell, 1902), pp. 111–48

Secondary literature

[Anon.], ‘Interview’, Women’s Penny Paper, 13 December 1890, pp. 13–14

Bernardi, Erica, ‘Gaudenzio Ferrari secondo Bernard e Mary Berenson’, Arte lombarda, 167 (2013), 110–16

Brown, David Alan, Berenson and the Connoisseurship of Italian Painting: A Handbook to the Exhibition (Washington DC: National Gallery of Art, 1979)

Cohen, Rachel, Bernard Berenson: A Life in the Picture Trade (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013)

Della Monica, Ilaria, ‘Notes on Mary Berenson’s Diary (1891–1893)’, Visual Resources, 33 (2017), 140–57

Della Monica, Ilaria, ‘Mary Berenson and The Guide to the Italian Pictures at Hampton Court’, 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, 28 (2019) <>

Gilmore, Myron P., ‘The Berensons and Villa I Tatti’, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 120 (1976), 7–12

van N. Hadley, Rollin, ed., The Letters of Bernard Berenson and Isabella Stewart Gardner 1887–1924 with Correspondence by Mary Berenson (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1987)

Israëls, Machtelt Brüggen, ‘Mrs. Berenson, Mrs. Gardner and Miss Toplady: Connoisseurship, Collecting and Commerce in London (1898–1905)’, Visual Resources, 33 (2017), 158–81

Johnston, Tiffany L., ‘Mary Berenson and the Conception of Connoisseurship’ (unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University, 2001)

Johnston, Tiffany L., ‘Mary Whitall Smith at the Harvard Annex’, Berenson and Harvard: Bernard and Mary as Students, ed. by Jonathan Nelson (Florence: I Tatti, 2012), online exhibition and electronic catalogue <> [accessed 1 May 2019]

Johnston, Tiffany L., ‘Mary Berenson and the Cultivation of American Collectors’, in A Market for Merchant Princes: Collecting Italian Renaissance Paintings in America, ed. by Inge Reist (University Park: Penn State University Press, 2015), pp. 72–81

Johnston, Tiffany L., ‘The Correggiosity of Correggio: On the Origin of Berensonian Connoisseurship’, I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance, 19 (2016), 385–425

Johnston, Tiffany L., Biography of Mary Berenson (forthcoming)

Mariano, Nicky, The Berenson Archive: An Inventory of Correspondence Compiled by Nicky Mariano, on the Centenary of the Birth of Bernard Berenson 1865–1965 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1965)

Mariano, Nicky, Forty Years with Berenson (New York: Knopf, 1966)

McComb, A. K., ed., The Selected Letters of Bernard Berenson (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1964)

Nelson, Jonathan K., ‘An Unpublished Essay by Mary Berenson: “Botticelli and his Critics” (1894–95)’, 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, 28 (2019) <>

Pezzini, Barbara, ‘Connoisseurship as “the art-element in art”: Three Unknown Articles by Mary Berenson in the Burlington Magazine (1903)’, Burlington Magazine Index Blog, 19 March 2014 <> [accessed 30 April 2019]

Samuels, Ernst, Bernard Berenson: The Making of a Connoisseur (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1979)

Samuels, Ernst, Bernard Berenson: The Making of a Legend (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1987)

Secrest, Meryle, Being Bernard Berenson: A Biography (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1979)

Sorensen, Lee, ed., ‘Berenson, Mary’, in Dictionary of Art Historians <> [accessed 30 April 2019]

Strachey, Barbara, Remarkable Relations: The Story of the Pearsall Smith Family (London: Gollancz, 1980)

Strachey, Barbara, Remarkable Relations: The Story of the Pearsall Smith Women (New York: Universe Books, 1982)

Strachey, Barbara, and Jayne Samuels, eds, Mary Berenson: A Self-Portrait from her Letters and Diaries (London: Gollancz, 1983)

Strehlke, Carl Brandon, and Machtelt Brüggen Israëls, eds, The Bernard and Mary Berenson Collection of European Paintings at I Tatti (Milan: Officina Libraria, 2015)

Callcott, Maria Dundas Graham, Lady (1785–1842)


London, British Library

London, Royal Academy

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Papers of Maria, Lady Callcott

Primary sources

Journal of a Residence in India (London: Constable, 1812)

Memoirs of the Life of Nicholas Poussin (London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; Edinburgh: Constable, 1820)

Three Months Passed in the Mountains East of Rome, During the Year 1819 (London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown; Edinburgh: Constable, 1820)

Description of the Chapel of the Annunziata dell’Arena; or, Giotto’s Chapel, in Padua (London: Printed for the author by Thomas Brettell, 1835)

Essays Towards a History of Painting (London: Moxon, 1836)

Continuation of Essays Towards a History of Painting (London: Moxon, 1838)

Secondary literature

Akel, Regina, Maria Graham: A Literary Biography (Amherst: Cambria, 2009)

Collier, Carly, ‘Sir Augustus Wall Callcott and the First Illustrations after Giotto’s Arena Chapel’, chapter in ‘British Artists and Early Italian Art c. 1770–1845’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Warwick, 2013), pp. 115–62

Akel, Regina, ‘Maria Callcott, Queen Victoria and the “Primitives”’, Visual Resources, 33 (2016), 27–47

Collier, Carly, and Caroline Palmer, Discovering Ancient and Modern Primitives: The Travel Journals of Maria Callcott, 1827–28, Volume of the Walpole Society, 78 (London: Walpole Society, 2016)

Collier, Carly, ‘Maria Callcott’s Honeymoon Journals, 1827–28: The Missing Fragment’, Volume of the Walpole Society, 80 (London: Walpole Society, 2018)

Gotch, Rosamund Brunel, Maria, Lady Callcott (London: Murray, 1937)

Lloyd, Christopher, and David Blayney Brown, eds, The Journal of Maria, Lady Callcott, 1827–8 (Oxford: Oxford Microform Publications, 1981)

Lloyd, Christopher, ‘Lady Callcott’s Honeymoon, 1827–8: Art-Historical Reflections in Germany and Italy’, in Britannia, Italia, Germania: Taste and Travel in the Nineteenth Century, ed. by Carol Richardson and Graham Smith (Edinburgh: VARIE, 2001), pp. 44–58

Mitchell, Rosemary, ‘Callcott [née Dundas; other married name Graham], Maria, Lady Callcott (1785–1842), traveller and author’, ODNB>

Palmer, Caroline, ‘Maria Graham and the Promotion of the Primitives’, chapter in ‘Women Writers on Art and Perceptions of the Female Connoisseur, 1780–1860’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, Oxford Brookes University, 2009), pp. 140–62

Palmer, Caroline, ‘“A revolution in art”: Maria Callcott on Poussin, Painting, and the Primitives’, 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, 28 (2019) <>

Cartwright, Julia Ady (1851–1924)


London, Victoria and Albert Museum, National Art Library

Northampton, Northamptonshire City Archives, Cartwright Edgcote Collection

Primary sources

‘Biographical Sketches of Saints of the Mediaeval Church — I St. Benedict’, Monthly Packet, April 1873, p. 331; ‘II — St. Gregory the Great’, June 1873, p. 523; ‘III — The Venerable Bede’, August 1873, p. 127; ‘IV — St. Boniface’, January 1874, p. 16

‘Erminia Faa-Fusinato e i suoi ricordi’, Academy, 27 October 1877, pp. 401–02

‘Giotto’, New Quarterly Magazine, October 1877, pp. 169–02

‘A Florentine Bridal Chamber’, Portfolio, 9 (1878), 21–27

‘Varallo and Her Painter’, Portfolio, 11 (1880), 50–56

Mantegna and Francia (London: Sampson Low, 1881)

‘The Certosa of Florence’, Portfolio, 12 (1881), 28–32; 42–47

‘The Cathedral of Orvieto’, Magazine of Art, 5 (1882), 514–20

‘Sandro Botticelli’, Portfolio, 13 (1882), 58–60; 70–74; 92–95; 110–13

‘Assisi’, Portfolio, 13 (1882), 180–83; 198–202; 207–12

‘Giovanni Costa, Patriot and Painter’, Magazine of Art, 6 (1883), 24–30

‘The Nativity in Art’, Magazine of Art, 6 (1883), 74–82

‘A Famous Model’, Magazine of Art, 6 (1883), 203–07

‘A Heretic Picture’, Magazine of Art, 6 (1883), 330–32

‘The Tomb of Gaston de Foix’, Magazine of Art, 6 (1883), 381–83

‘A Painter’s Friendship’, Magazine of Art, 6 (1883), 426–28

‘The Certosa of Pavia — I’, Magazine of Art, 6 (1883), 441–44

‘Benozzo Gozzoli’, Portfolio, 14 (1883), 49–55; 76–78; 102–04

‘Roman Remains at Ravenna’, Portfolio, 14 (1883), 221–25; 235–39

‘A Visit to La Vernia’, Gentleman’s Magazine, December 1884, pp. 566–75

‘The Certosa of Pavia — II’, Magazine of Art, 7 (1884), 45–50

‘Francesa da Rimini’, Magazine of Art, 7 (1884), 137–39

‘The Lady of Schloss Ambras’, Magazine of Art, 7 (1884), 305–07

‘Raphael and the Fornarina’, Magazine of Art, 7 (1884), 323–27

‘A Cartoon by Leonardo’, Magazine of Art, 7 (1884), 448–52

‘The Artist in Venice’, Portfolio, 15 (1884), 17–22; 37–42; 45–48

‘Gothic Remains at Ravenna’, Portfolio, 15 (1884), 78–83; 119–22

‘S. Apollinaire in Classe’, Portfolio, 15 (1884), 151–57

‘San Vitale of Ravenna’, Portfolio, 15 (1884), 178–83

‘The Romance of Art: A Famous Gem’, Magazine of Art, 8 (1885), 70–72

‘The Romance of Art: The Cottage Countess’, Magazine of Art, 8 (1885), 281–83

‘A Convent Room at Parma’, Magazine of Art, 8 (1885), 410–16

‘Vandalism at Tivoli’, Pall Mall Gazette, 30 September 1885, pp. 1–2

‘Old Hospitals and Religious Houses of Canterbury’, Portfolio, 16 (1885), 11–17

‘The Tomb and Chantry of the Black Prince at Canterbury’, Portfolio, 16 (1885), 47–52

‘Christ Church Priory, Canterbury’, Portfolio, 16 (1885), 113–17

‘St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury’, Portfolio, 16 (1885), 200–05

‘The Romance of Art: The Lost “Cupid” of Michelangelo’, Magazine of Art, 9 (1886), 74–79

‘The Annunciation in Art’, Magazine of Art, 9 (1886), 202–07

‘The Romance of Art: A Florentine Wedding’, Magazine of Art, 9 (1886), 36–68

‘The Romance of Art: “La Bella Simonetta”’, Magazine of Art, 9 (1886), 466–68

‘Medieval Remains at Ravenna’, Portfolio, 17 (1886), 58–63

‘In the Campagna: Tivoli, Albano, Frascati’, Portfolio, 17 (1886), 138–43; 192–98; 205–11

‘Kugler’s “Italian Schools of Painting”’, Magazine of Art, 10 (1887), 277–81

‘LaFenestre’s “Titian”’, Magazine of Art, 10 (1887), 242–47

‘The Art of Costa’, Portfolio, 18 (1887), 147–51

‘The Romance of Art: The Boy of Egremond’, Magazine of Art, 11 (1888), 62–64

‘Jean-François Millet’, Nineteenth Century, September 1888, pp. 419–38

‘Correggio’, Portfolio, 19 (1888), 31–35; 56–63

‘Rome in 1889’, Nineteenth Century, October 1889, pp. 584–601

‘Lorenzo Lotto’, Portfolio, 20 (1889), 16–19; 26–30

‘Giorgione’, Portfolio, 20 (1889), 194–99; 208–14

‘Vanishing Rome’, Art Journal, February 1890, pp. 33–40

‘Famous Pictures from the Paris Exhibition’, Atalanta, February 1890, pp. 307–14

‘E. Burne-Jones’, Atalanta, October 1890, pp. 18–26

‘E. Burne-Jones’, Atalanta, November 1890, pp. 81–91

‘Children in Modern Art’, Atalanta, December 1890, pp. 169–81

‘Madame’, Macmillan’s Magazine, October 1890, p. 438

‘Winter and Spring Exhibitions, 1890’, National Review, April 1890, pp. 153–66

‘The Pastels and Drawings of Millet’, Portfolio, 21 (1890), 191–97; 208–12

Catalogue of a Collection of Water-Colours by Augustus Walford Weedon, R.I.: Illustrating the County of Kent, Fine Art Society Catalogues (London: Fine Art Society, 1891)

‘The Pilgrims’ Way’, Art Journal, February 1891, pp. 33–38; March 1891, pp. 78–82; May 1891, pp. 147–52; August 1891, pp. 225–29; September 1891, pp. 266–70; October 1891, pp. 313–18; November 1891, pp. 347–52; December 1891, pp. 365–70

‘Compton Winyates and Edgehill’, Atalanta, August 1891, pp. 706–18

‘G. F. Watts — I’, Atalanta, October 1891, pp. 13–25

‘G. F. Watts — II’, Atalanta, November 1891, pp. 77–87

‘Frederick Walker’, Macmillan’s Magazine, June 1891, pp. 126–32

‘The Pictures of the Year’, National Review, June 1891, pp. 466–76

‘A Sicilian City: Taormina — I’, Atalanta, August 1892, pp. 637–46

‘A Sicilian City: Taormina — II’, Atalanta, Septemper 1892, pp. 701–11

‘L. Alma-Tadema’, Atalanta, October 1892, pp. 20–30

‘Some Painters of the Century’, Atalanta, December 1892, pp. 197–208

‘A Corner of Essex’, National Review, January 1892, pp. 626–38

‘Gardens’, Portfolio, 23 (1892), 211–21

The Pilgrims’ Way from Winchester to Canterbury, with forty-six illustrations by A. Quinton (London: Virtue, 1893)

Sacharissa; Some Account of Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sunderland, her Family and Friends, 1617–1684 (London: Seeley, 1893)

‘Edward Burne-Jones, A.R.A.’, Art Journal, January 1893, pp. 1–9

‘Edward Burne-Jones: A Record and a Review’, Art Journal, March 1893, pp. 82–85

Jules Bastien-Lepage (London: Seeley, 1894)

Madame: A Life of Henrietta, Daughter of Charles I. and Duchess of Orleans (London: Seeley, 1894)

Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Bart.: His Life & Work (London: Virtue, 1894)

‘Caterina Sforza: A Virago of the Renaissance’, Art Journal, April 1894, pp. 115–19

The Early Work of Raphael (London: Seeley, 1895)

Raphael in Rome (London: Seeley, 1895)

‘Madame Millet’, Art Journal, March 1895, pp. 72–75

‘Lorenzo Lotto’, Art Journal, August 1895, pp. 233–37

G. F. Watts, Royal Academician: His Life & Work (London: Virtue, 1896)

Jean François Millet: His Life and Letters (London: Sonnenschein, 1896)

Studies & Drawings by Sir Edward Burne-Jones. Bart, with a prefatory note by Julia Cartwright (London: Fine Art Society, 1896)

‘Puvis de Chavannes’, Art Journal, June 1896, pp. 190–92

‘Edward Burne-Jones — The Picture Sidonia’, Art Journal, December 1896, pp. 353–54

‘The New Art-Criticism’, Quarterly Review, October 1896, pp. 454–79

Christ and his Mother in Italian Art, ed. by Julia Cartwright, intr. by Robert Eyton, L.P. (London: Bliss, Sands, 1897)

‘Modern French Art’, Quarterly Review, April 1897, pp. 360–89

‘In Memoriam — Edward Burne-Jones’, Art Journal, August 1898, pp. 247–48

‘St. Fillians’, Art Journal, Septemper 1898, pp. 257–62

‘English Art in the Victorian Age’, Quarterly Review, January 1898, pp. 209–33

‘Edward Burne-Jones’, Quarterly Review, October 1898, pp. 338–59

Beatrice d’Este, Duchess of Milan, 1475–497: A Study of the Renaissance (London: Dent, 1899)

‘Painting’, in A Handbook of Rome and the Campagna, 16th edn (London: Murray, 1899)

Review of Roger Fry, Giovanni Bellini (1899), Literature, 18 November 1899, p. 482

‘Leonardo da Vinci’, Quarterly Review, October 1899, pp. 381–403

‘The Garden of the Hesperides’, Art Journal, March 1900, pp. 94–98

‘Burne-Jones’, Gazette des beaux-arts, 24 (1900), 25–38; 237–52

‘Lord de Tabley’, Quarterly Review, January 1900, pp. 246–64

‘John Ruskin’, Quarterly Review, April 1900, pp. 393–414

The Painters of Florence from the Thirteenth to the Sixteenth Century (London: Murray, 1901)

‘Raphael: The Madonna di Sant’Antonio’, Art Journal, Septemper 1901, pp. 284–86

‘The Castello of Milan’, Monthly Review, August 1901, pp. 117–36

Isabella d’Este, Marchioness of Mantua, 1474–1539: A Study of the Renaissance, 2 vols (London: Murray, 1903)

Sandro Botticelli (London: Duckworth, 1903)

‘Giorgione’, in Bryan’s Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 4th edn, rev. by George C. Williamson, 5 vols (London: Bell, 1903–1905), II (1903), 246–48

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Jameson, Anna (1794–1860)


Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh, Special Collections

Harvard, Harvard University, Houghton Library, Special Collections

London, British Library

New York, New York Public Library, Special Collections

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Lee, Vernon (1856–1935)


Waterville, ME, Colby College, Vernon Lee Archive

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Merrifield, Mary Philadelphia (1804–1889)


Brighton, East Sussex Record Office, The Keep

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